New year, new posts I guess.
I'm planning on updating this like 2-3 times a week so hopefully there'll be a little more content this year.
First class of the year is Cinematic Production. We were told to come up with short story ideas for a 30-40 second video mixing live action and animation.
Thusly I began to list ideas
- Person turning into werewolf
- 2D may be easier to animate a transformation than 3D
- Real person turning into a cartoon wolf
- Deadpool-esq hallucinations
- Tripping on shrooms
- Overtired/overworked
- Seeing personifications of own ideas/creativity
- Amazing world of gumball – classroom setting
- Characters in different animation styles all living together
- Real person in animated environment
- On a spaceship or another planet
- In a cartoon world
- Godzilla style monster attack
- Living shadow
- Magic fight with animated characters
- Drawings come to life (CLICHÉ!!)
- TV ad that turns really weird
- Person trapped in an ad?
- Things that happen on ads happening in real life?
- Voiceover
- Strange marketing mascots
- Jump cuts
- Before and after shots
- Product placement everywhere
I was trying to come up with ideas that would work with mixed live action animation with an animated character and a live action character. My favorite two were the Deadpool-like hallucinations (if you haven't seen deadpool I highly recommend it) and the "trapped in a TV ad" idea.
Next up was developing them a bit further.
Idea 1:
Overworked art student trying to finish
a painting before the deadline.
Starts to hallucinate a creature that
claims to be his creativity (2D).
The creature starts to mess with him
and they get into an argument.
Objects in the room start coming to
life and join in the argument.
The argument heats up until the student
passes out.
Art teacher walks into the room and
looks at the paper covered in freakish drawings of hallucinations.
Teacher loves the artwork.
Idea 2, Trapped in an ad:
What is it selling?
- Cereal
- Makeup
- Infomercial for exercise equipment or weird invention
MMMmmmmmmkaaay. So there's not a tonne here so far. I'm not great at ideas. I'll go do some more brain storming and try to develop these out more. Once the ideas are more solid I'll have to script one and edit it till I'm happy. Theeen my group will choose one of our scripts to use for our assessment. So there's a bit more to do. I'll post more when I have it.